Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

It all started with an idea. The idea of exploration and the desire to make that a part of our daily lives.

To be honest, it was tough to give up the comforts of home, the careers we’ve each built for 20+ years, and the friends and family we’ll miss. However, we wanted to create stories for ourselves that we felt were out there in the world and so our family has chosen this ambiguous path.

Sometimes you just need to jump straight into the deep end.

A trip like this is undoubtedly intimidating and although there’s never a perfect time to make a pivot in life here are some ways that have helped us overcome that hurdle:

  • Know your reason why - It can be as simple as the desire to travel or as complex as you want it to be but at the end of the day you have to know your reason. Without it, your plans will fade out to black. Determine your reason and stick to it.

  • Start a high-level plan - Once you have your why then you are able to start to scope out your travel plan. You can get as detailed as you want but we’ve found, through our own preparations, that you can get yourself into “Paralysis by Analysis”. So start with a high-level plan that’s simple and forgiving. Allow yourself to ideate and figure out the details over time.

  • Don’t forget home - As liberating as a long-term trip may feel like you can’t forget about your life back home. Things like recurring bills/subscriptions, mail, and storage are just a few of the things you’ll need to have a plan for. There are so many solutions and services out there to help address those areas so just don’t forget to take care of them.

  • Be flexible - Finally, remember to BE FLEXIBLE! Your plans will never go accordingly and embrace that because it’s all part of your adventure. The beauty of a long-term trip is time and so use that to your advantage…and also to maintain your sanity.

There are so many things we’ve thought about in preparing for this journey and certainly, there will be so many lessons that we’ll learn along the way.

We’ll be blogging about how we’ve managed our lives through this trip weekly so please come back and check them out.

Overall we just hope to inspire others to seek out their own adventures however big or small.

ByeanVoyage Disclaimer: Content on ByeanVoyage represents our expert experience, opinion, and subjective perspective. Reader's experience may vary due to many factors. The content provided is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be considered financial, tax, or legal advice.


Bula! Bula!