Money Matters

This all began as just an idea. The idea of freedom from the day to day. The opportunity to seek and find adventures. However, at the end of the day the money matters.

I’ve been asked on more than one occasion about how I will finance things. No, we didn’t win the lottery and we definitely aren’t looking to spend all our savings on this journey as well. We are implementing a financing strategy that will incorporate a mixture of savings, points/award hacking, and discount travel sites.

As daunting as the financials may seem setting a budget and putting together a strategy are the best ways to control your financial outcomes.

Periodically I will be writing of particular strategies that I’ve come across and implemented in some fashion to help support our travels financially. I hope my insights/opinions will be helpful to others.

ByeanVoyage Disclaimer: Content on ByeanVoyage represents our expert experience, opinion, and subjective perspective. Reader's experience may vary due to many factors. The content provided is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be considered financial, tax, or legal advice.


One step back, two steps forward


A quick but long journey